Dear community

HONOR token will be sold at Pancake. To purchase successfully, read the instructions below:

Step 1: Go to the pancake swap page ( and connect your wallet to pancake.


1, If you’re using a wallet that’s not on this list, you can choose ‘Metamask’.

2, Please make sure you are buying our official token address. Be careful with the scam, we have only 1 official token address:

Step 2: Click “Select a currency” in the [To] field and input HONOR token address: 0xdb7e70b3a0912a780fd31679f31a917bb480adb6

Note: Please make sure you are buying our official token address.

After you confirm that you have used the official address, click ‘import’

Click to “I understand” option and click [Import] button

Step 3: Click “Select a currency” in the [From] field and select the token you want to use to buy HONOR. You can use any token supported by Pancake to buy HONOR.

In this example, we use USDT.

Step 4: Input the amount of [From] token. In this example, I use 5 USDT to buy HONOR token, so I input 5 USDT in [From] field

Step 5: Click [Enable] button to approve the transaction.

Click [Swap] button and confirm the swap

Note: Transactions in Pancake cannot guarantee success. To increase the success rate, we suggest increasing the gas fee and raising the “slippage tolerance”.

Step6: Wait for tx being mined

Done, you successfully bought the HONOR token! Congratulations!

About Superplayer.World

SuperPlayer.World is a one-stop GameFi asset issuance, marketplace and NFT-based crowdfunding platform. Furthermore, We add liquidity, player-ownership, and new funding resources to the largest entertainment industry in the world.

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Super Player World

Superplayer.World is a multi-chain platform for GameFi asset issuance, application and trading.